Or are we just misplacing stuff ourselves?
Did I misplace the object, or are spirits moving them?
Spirits do have the ability to move or manipulate objects on Earth. Often people notice photos, jewellery, artwork titled and objects knocked over or falling down.
Spirits do have the ability to take objects. They are normally returned around the same location from which they were borrowed, or they are placed in our path in an extraordinary way.
It is the paranormal transference of an article from one place to another or the appearance of an article from an unknown source.
So how do spirits move objects? A better question: if they are moving things around, can they also clean the house?
Everything is made of energy. Manipulating energy takes practice for our loved ones.
They Are also able to manipulate energy to send signs, scents in the air, and feelings of a presence. They are able to place objects in your way to remind you of them.
Why do they do it?
To let you know your loved one is still around and to give you proof of life after death.
Some spirit children can often be a bit playful and are just messing with you.
I have not had any objects moved, but I have had other spooky stuff happen.
Scratching in walls, knocking, lights flickering, light globes glowing, tapped 3 times on the foot while in bed. I went through a stage in early development where I was pulled on, or I would wake up knowing spirit was in the room.
The weirdest one was at night, I heard running down the hallway. The door handle on the door moved, and the door opened a bit. Then running steps back down the hallway. This was all in the middle of the night.
In my readings, spirits often show or tell me they are moving objects of the sitters to let them know they are around.
I had a person whose front door was always opening by itself, she had been blaming her kids. Finding the front door open. Unfortunately, in her case, something not positive was coming from the neighbours. I felt the person could be messing with some dark stuff. It turned out her neighbours were satanic worshippers. She started salting her boundary line.
Another client had a very ACTIVE house. He had furniture moving across the floor and objects thrown at them. Funny enough, he wasn't concerned by this, but his wife was terrified!
I hope you have enjoyed this blog. Let me know of your spooky experiences! - Katie